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Five more logos.

Analyzing and dissecting graphic designs and logos require a lot of time and thought. In order to have a successful logo, it must be appropriate, original, understood clearly and visually appealing on a business card and a company. Five logos that meet this criteria are: Snapchat, FedEx, Nike, Apple, and YouTube.

    Snapchat is a successful logo in social media. The main graphic in this logo is a ghost icon. This logo is graphically correct because posts on Snapchat are able to be seen for 24 hours, then, like a ghost, they disappear. Also if you were to send something to someone privately, they could only view it once. The choice of a yellow background could represent yielding. Being that Snapchat allows you to record and post current events, using that color could be a subliminal message to slow down and capture the moment.
  FedEx is a successful logo because of the hidden arrow in between the E and X. The arrow could symbolize moving forward or looking forward to something, which makes sense because they’re a delivery company. I did some research on this logo and learned that the creator of the logo adjusted the combination of two fonts (Univers 67 and Futura Bold) in order to create a clean cut and unforced arrow.
Nike’s logo is successful primarily because it can stand alone (without text). The symbol used for this company is a “check”, however, it is not an average check seen on a graded piece of paper. The check almost looks like half a running track field. Phrases that are connected to this logo are: the word “swoosh” and the slogan “just do it.” “Swoosh” could represent the way the check is drawn because it reminds me of motion. “Just do it” could represent a hidden message telling people that the correct thing to do is act, not procrastinate.
    Apple is another successful logo that can stand alone. Their graphic used for their logo is an apple. Apples are generally a symbol that represents education or a teacher. For the Apple company, this graphic could represent the evolution of the way people learn something or find information. Also, it could represent things always change and upgrade.
    Lastly. YouTube is a successful logo because of the red rectangle behind the word “tube.” The purpose of YouTube is for people to subscribe to your channel and/or watch videos that are posted. The red rectangle behind the logo remind me of something being recorded.
Also the name choice “YouTube,” broken down, could mean the creator of the videos and those who watch and subscribe have a connection, just like a tube connecting one thing to another.
In order to have a successful logo, the colors and graphics must match the description of your company. The five logos discussed in this article communicate the purpose of their company effectively and concisely.
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Image result for nike logo


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