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The Meaning of Sour Behind The Sweet/The Bigger Draft of the Big Picture.

Your layout demonstrates what you can do instead of the person reading about what you can do. When you create something, you want the person reviewing it to give more smiles than looks of curiosity. Express yourself through your choice in color, font, and format.

Harry Potter’s geeky little Hermione, actress Emma Watson, claims her seat in “fashion’s front row” and as a university student; not at Hogwarts, though. Watson was featured in Times Magazine. The caption for her article is titled “Siren Call.” This article discusses two changes Watson made after leaving Harry Potter. The magazine vintage layout brings emotion to Watson’s story. In the article, Watson says, “When I was little, I didn’t understand that other kids thought I was actually Hermione, really geeky. I was devastated.” The strengths in this magazine layout are color choice, font choice, Watson’s attire, and the way her image is presented. The choice of black and white symbolizes pages in a book; the black and white on a page with meaning in between the lines. Her photo covers an entire page and is also black and white. Her sparkly dress brings visual personality to her unknown personality. Watson’s article is written in a low font and is divided into 2 columns. The S is the biggest letter on the page. It brings attention to the caption word, siren. Sirens are used for drawing one's attention to caution or an incident. In this case, Watson's change from geeky Hermione to the new face in fashion, is our public service announcement. If Hermione were to have a magazine layout represent her, she would be smiling in her picture. This magazine layout also gives the impression of classy and bad-ass. The magazine layout is represented by the letter S because its font and size remind me of the words: sassy, spontaneous, serious, and surprise! Everything can use some improvement, however, this layout is pretty neat.

Christina Jones's resume represents her imperfections just by tilting the entire resume to the right. The tilt can symbolize her errors, differences, and room for improvement. The tilt looks like it’s going in a circle, exemplifying her experience working with more than one company. The extended letter “i” represents the list of things she has accomplished: “I did….” Her resume summarizes her experience as a broadcast journalism major. The font she picked would work better if her experience was with children. However, the font is animated so it brings entertainment to her resume. A strength of this resume is the way her information is distributed. All information is consistent in length. A weakness in this resume is her choice in font. Fonts that would be more appealing are Adumu Regular, Advent Pro Light, Codystar, etc; ones that would remind you of television, radio, and/or the internet. Another weakness in this resume is the kerning. For example, the subheading “Professional Activities” should be written differently. The characters in the word “activity” are too spaced out. They should be closer together like the characters in the word “professional.” Every heading with extra spacing in between the characters should be corrected.

A final copy is a draft with many bandages. You must edit everything a million times before presenting your finishing piece.


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